Fellow Spotlight - Dr. Mzikazi Nduna
Congratulations to Dr. Mzikazi Nduna for achieving her PhD degree in Public Health from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Dr. Mzi (as affectionately known) is a Fellow of the Sexuality Leadership Development Course. She attended the SLD training in 2007 less than a year after joining the University of Witwatersrand’s (Wits) department of Psychology as a lecturer. Inspired by lectures in sexuality from this three-weeks training course she wrote a proposal to undertake a PhD study on the association between distress, depressive symptoms and sexual behaviour among young people in South Africa. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate this topic she has published her study findings in reputable international journals and in our own book edited by Prof Obono entitled ‘A Tapestry of Human Sexuality in Africa’. She has served on the organising and scientific committees of the 4th Africa Conference on Sexual Health and Rights which was held in Ethiopia in 2010. Dr. Mzi Nduna’s research interests in sexuality include aspects of gender and gender-based violence, psychological distress, safe sex, HIV risk, living with HIV and cultural influences in sexuality. She is interested in studies of women, young people and sexual minorities (LGBTI). Mzi is a member of the gender-based violence Prevention Network for the Horn, East and Southern Africa and Management Committee of GenderDynamix. She has co-authored more than 20 peer reviewed journal articles, presented in international and local conferences and reviews articles for more than five international journals. Dr. Mzi Nduna is now a senior lecturer at Wits, supervises post graduate students research, and more about her can be read from her CV, downloadable from the Wits website: http://www.wits.ac.za/staff/mzikazi.nduna |