Sexuality in Africa Magazine and Monographs

September 2011, Vol. 7 Issue 2
Articles in this issue include: "Sexuality, Language and Communication in Africa", "Homosexuality, Media and State Action in Cameroon", "Legal Perspectives on Sex Education, Communication and Freedom of Expression", "Sexuality Indices in Yoruba Language and Popular Culture", "Sex Education in Egypt: Sources, Attitudes and the Effect of Gender", "Peers, Porn and Boys: Communication and Learning of Sexuality in South Africa."download |

June 2011, Vol. 7 Issue 1
Articles in this issue include:"Sexual Vulnerability of Young Women in the Informal Sector in Nigeria", "Age Class, Sex and the Danger Between: Socio-economic Inequalities and Sexual & Reproductive Vulnerabilities of Young Women in Africa", "Sexual Vulnerability: The Pursuit of Marriage and HIV risk in Zambia", "Sex Work, Human Trafficking and Female Vulnerability in Nigeria", and "Understanding Young Women's Sexual Vulnerability in South Africa"download |

December 2010, Vol. 6 Issue 2
Articles in this issue include: “Sexual Violence on African Women in Peace and War Times”, “Violence, Sexuality, and The Amazon”, “Sexual Harassment in the Ivory Tower”, and “Domestic Violence, Family Relationships, and The Law”. download |

March 2010, Vol. 6 Issue 1
Articles in this issue include: “Against Desire and Pleasure: Tradition, Morality and the Woman in African Culture”, “Broken Pie: The Expressed and Compromised Sexuality of People with Disabilities”, “Being Straight and being Gay: Identity or Multiple Desire: the Case of South Africa”, and “The Hypocrisy of Sexual Conservatism in Postmodern Mauritius”. download |

December 2008, Vol. 5 Issue 4
Articles in this issue include: “Body Image, Beauty, Culture and Language in the Nigerian African Context”, “ Food in Sexuality in the Nigerian Society”, “Kayan Mata: The Secret World of Aphrodisiacs in Northern Nigeria”, and “Fat Things, Fatty Arms and a Pot Belly”. download |

September 2008, Vol. 5 Issue 3
Articles in this issue include: “Evolving Transactions in Sexualities”, "Sale of Womanhood or Sex?”, “Sexual Abuse of Brothel-Based Female Sex Workers in Abuja, Nigeria”, and “Transactional and Commercial Sex Issues” download |

June 2008, Vol. 5 Issue 2
Articles in this issue include: "Technology, Sexuality And Reproductive Rights In Africa", "Mobile Phones, The Internet and Sexualities", "The Changing Dynamics of Relationships in Africa", "Cosmetics: ‘An Important Sexual Capital, But Liability For Some Men in Ethiopia", and "The Future Of Sex" download |

March 2008, Vol. 5 Issue 1
Articles in this issue include: "Unusual Marriage and Sexual Health and Rights in Africa", "Come We Stay' Marriages In Kenya: Implications For Sexual Health", "The Changing Dynamics of Relationships in Africa", "An Inclusive Definition of Marriage for Same Gender Lovers", "Marriage to the Grave and other Forms of Marriage" and "Martial Union Undefined..." download |

December 2007, Vol. 4 Issue 4
Articles in this issue include: "The Toilet Walls Communication in the University: A Private Plea to (Re-) Address Sexuality Education? Some Reflections", "Don't Be Sexy, Don't Be There: Discourses of Space, Danger and Women's Sexuality in South Africa", "Discontinued Intimacy, Denied Paternity", and "Confusing Messages About Sex for Young People" download |

September 2007, Vol. 4 Issue 3
Articles in this issue include: "Beyond Pain, Towards Pleasure in the Study of Sexuality in Africa", "Expressing Sexual Fantasy Through Songs and Proverbs", "It Has Always Existed : Sexual Pleasure and Fantasy in Africa", and "Expression Through Lack of Expression: Lingerie and Sexual Fantasy in Cairo" download |

June 2007, Vol. 4 Issue 2
Articles in this issue include: "Socialization and Healthy Sexuality: Transforming Boundaries", "Contesting Sexualities in the Re-Making of African Female Bodies as Sites of Power", "Scripts of Western Heteronormativity: South African 'Lifestyle' Magazines and (Hetero) Socialization", and "Gender Differentials in Sexuality Socialization in Ugep, Cross River State" download |

March 2007, Vol. 4 Issue 1
Articles in this issue include: "The Relevance of Sexual Health and Rights in Marriage in Africa", "Defining Sexual Rights (in Marriage)", "Politics, Rights and Identity About Same-Sex Marriage in South Africa", and "Exploring Kenyan Attitudes to Sexuality Issues" download |

December 2006, Vol. 3 Issue 4
Articles in this issue include: "Love, Marriage and Positive Living", "Living Positively is Accepting Your HIV Status, Loving Yourself", "Living in Africa: Challenging But Doable", and "Healthy, Responsible and Pleasurable Sexuality: Lesson from PLWHA" download |

Septmber 2006, Vol. 3 Issue 3
Articles in this issue include: "Culture and Pleasurable Sexuality in South Eastern Nigeria ", "Peering Through The Keyhole: Marriage, HIV/AIDS and the Implications for Women's Sexual Health", "Women and Sexuality: A Dangerous Mix?" download |

June 2006, Vol. 3 Issue 2
Articles in this issue include: "The One Who Has Eaten It, Has Only Eaten a Part: Exploring Traditional Zulu Premarital Sexual Practices", "Public Health and the Individual Right to Sexual Pleasure and Choice", "Taking the Pain Out of Infertility", and "Reflections on 'Barren' but Pleasurable Sexualities in Africa" download |

March 2006, Vol. 3 Issue 1
Articles in this issue include: "Youth Conception of the Transition to Adulthood in South Africa: Barriers and Opportunity", "Intergenerational Conflict and Adolescents as Counter-Hegemonic Agents in Namibia", and "On the Proposed Bill to Ban Same-Sex Marriages in Nigeria". download |

December 2005, Vol. 2 Issue 4
This issue of the magazine focuses on Sexuality, Violence and HIV/AIDS. Articles include: "Forced Sex and Risk of HIV Infection Among South African Youth", "Religion and Violence: the Suffering of Women", and "Should Governments Compel Citizens to Take the HIV test?". download |

September 2005, Vol. 2 Issue 3
Articles include: "Women and Sexuality in Egyptian Cinema", "Narrow Casting as a Tool for Effective Peer Education Programming", and "Promoting Sexuality Education in Nigeria: A Challenge for the Media and Civil Society". download |

June 2005, Vol. 2 Issue 2
This issue of the magazine focuses on Sexuality and Religion. Articles include: "Sexuality as a Contested Domain in Muslim Societies", "The Church, Youth and Sexuality in Kenya", and "Religiosity and HIV Risk Among Adolescents in Accra: A Qualitative Analysis" download |

March 2005, Vol. 2 Issue 1
This issue of the magazine focuses on Masculinity. Articles include: "Versions of Masculinity", "Male Sexuality in the Context of Socio-economic Change in Rural and Urban East Africa", and "Hypothesis on the Origin of Hegemonic Masculinity". download |

December 2004, Vol. 1 Issue 4
This issue of the magazine focuses on the HIV pandemic in Africa. Articles include: "Silence, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in South African Schools", "HIV/AIDS and Sexuality in Africa", and "Women, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS". download |

September 2004, Vol. 1 Issue 3
This issue of the magazine focuses on Violence Against Women. Articles include: "Sexual Violence Against Women in South Africa", "The Critical Issues: Gender-Based Violence in Africa", and "Deconstructing Determinants and Patterns of Wife-Battering in Lagos State, Nigeria". download |

June 2004, Vol. 1 Issue 2
This issue of the magazine focuses on Adolescents' Access to Sexuality Education. Highlights include a critical appraisal of practices in a region of Madagascar, and, a best practice from Nigeria on providing youth-friendly services. download |

March 2004, Vol. 1 Issue 1
This issue of the magazine explores the question, "Sexuality Studies: What is It?". Other articles include: "Future, Challenges of Sexual Health Research in West Africa", "Virginity-Testing as HIV/AIDS Prevention Strategy: Clutching at Straws". download |