Fellows Class of 2013

Andrew Waiswa (Uganda)
Andrew Waiswa is a Social Worker and a human rights defender. He received his Masters in Business Administration (MBA). Currently, he is an Executive Director at GEHO – Uganda. Mr Waiswa has been working on issues of sexual orientation, homosexuality, sexual and reproductive health, human sexuality and gender/identity for about five years. |

Abdel Daim Ahmed Hussein (Egypt)
Ahmed Hussein, is a public health professional working as a program specialist at the Center for Development Services (CDS) in Cairo, Egypt. He has been heavily involved with young men, women and families at Community Service Organizations (CSOs) over the past three years. He also participated in creating and training a core team of 112 social workers for 24 NGOs. He has a B. Sc. in pharmaceutical studies (2009), a Nongovernmental management diploma (2011) and currently, he is running a Master’s programme in public administration.

Juliet Kushaba (Uganda)
Juliet Kushaba is a development worker. She is a member and employee of Uganda Women Writers Association - FEMRITE where she has worked for 2 years as a Programme Officer. She is a published writer of short stories, among which is her favorite The Baby and the Giggling Men in an online collection ‘Sticking to My Footsteps’ by the Trans- Cultural Center for Writing at Lancaster University in the UK.
Juliet is a founder member of Wordnet-Uganda, a Human Rights Organisation, and she is also a member of FEM Alliance (FEMA) – Uganda. She enjoys engaging in human rights activism, especially sexuality-related rights which she mostly does through her writing.
Juliet Kushaba has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education (Secondary) and she has worked as a teacher both in Uganda and Rwanda. Currently, she is pursuing a Masters Degree in Women and Gender studies from Makerere University, Uganda. |

Joseph Abuga Omwamba(Kenya)
Joseph Abuga Omwamba is a Lawyer by profession and is currently the Director Safe House, Kenya. Safe House is a youth led Organization whose mission is to improve qualitative policy approach to HIV/AIDS and STIs towards unreachable youths in the context of Sexual and Gender Diversity, Human Rights, Cultural, mental Health, social and economic well-being. He is an activist and a frontline advocate for Equality and Non Discrimination in Kenya. He is professionally interested in advocacy for sexual orientation and gender Identity which includes policy and programming for sexual well-being in Africa with focus in a number of areas. He received a LLB Bachelors from The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya. He has a diploma in Business management and other short courses in a number of Institutes such as; Kenya Medical Research Institute [KEMRI], Hope Worldwide Kenya, Ministry of Youth Affairs, etc. |
Dativa F. Matemu (Nairobi, Kenya)
Fatou is a women’s human rights defender who has a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental studies and Community Development. She is passionate about the removal of all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls. Fatou works towards the realization of basic human right for everyone in diverse contexts. She has worked in organizations like UHAI-EASHRI and Young Women’s leadership Institute (YWLI) in Nairobi Kenya.

Thierry Niyonshemeza (Burundi)
Thierry Niyonshemeza is an LGBT social justice and Human Right Defender activist. He is an Executive Director in Rainbow Candle Light and has worked till February 2013 as a Human and Rights and Social Director in MOLI (Mouvement pour les Libertés Individuelles). He has worked on the issues of sexuality, gender, sexual health and Rights since 2010 with LGBT community. He has extensive knowledge, skills, experiences and qualifications which spans through numerous affairs as LGBT issues, social justice; advocacy and governance; working in and with civil society and the invaluable networks he belong to. With his broad understanding of LGBT sexuality, gender, sexual health and rights issues, he aspires to further understand different interactions between sexuality, development and sexual health and rights for the well-being for Burundi sexual minorities. Thierry is a sophomore in the Bujumbura Martin Luther King University Burundi having a renowned leadership and interpersonal skills. |

Loukman Abdel Aziz Tidjani(Benin)
Loukman works as a National Coordinator in Réseau Béninois des Adolescents et Jeunes en Population & Développement (RéBAJ - BENIN) and a Sexual and Reproductive Health /Youth Activist as well as he practises as a peer educator. He hosts a TV show that deals with youth issues and sexuality. He is committed to the continental level in the Campaign for Rédduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA). He worked with African Youth and Adolescent Network (AfriYAN) for about seven years. Among the organisations in which he is an active member, it is worth mentioning National Committee of Sexual and Reproductive health actors and National Coalition of Youth Organizations for Post 2015 Agenda 2015. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Marketing and presently running a Masters program in Management in Organization (both are e- Courses). |
Azifan Nadine Héberth (Benin)
Nadine Azifan is a Programme Assistant who works in UNFPA BENIN. She is involved in development and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health. She specialises in the communication field with keen interests in issues surrounding in gender, Reproductive Health and Human Rights issues. She has a Degree in Information Management (BTS en Informatique de Gestion). |

Damilola Adesina (Nigeria)
Damilola Adesina is the Health Service Programme Assistant at Action Health Incorporated (AHI). She is a nurse by profession. She works strictly with young people at the Adolescent Youth Friendly Clinic on issues related to their Sexual and Reproductive health, general health, counseling and referral. She is also involved in developing and implementing programmes and capacity building for young people. |

Ogechukwu Emeji (Nigeria)
Ogechi Emeji is a Programme Assistant who works at Action Health Incorporated (AHI). She is an Environmental Health scientist by profession. Works especially with women and youths on issues related to their Sexual and Reproductive health. She has proficiency and experiences in a number of areas such as Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management, Communication, and community based services. She has been an Independent Monitor for WHO on National Immunization Plus Days (NIPDs) Implementation –Polio Eradication, Peer Educator on HIV-AIDS Prevention for Center for Sustainable Development (CESDEV), Instructor/Facilitator of Youth Environmental Scout (YES) Club, Research participant on Feacal/Sludge Management, Knowledge Facilitator on Family and Community Life Orientation (FACOLE), etc. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology as well as a Master’s Degree in Public Health. |

Suleiman Ibrahim (Nigeria)
Suleiman Ibrahim is one involved with development work. He is working as a Program Officer (Northern Nigeria) with the Population Council Nigeria on HIV/AIDS Prevention program. He has also worked in a number of positions ranging from being a Community Mobilization Officer PMTCT/MCH JHPIEGO, Program Assistant Data quality specialist IHVN, State Technical Response Coordinator FHI/SNR, Zonal Assistant Team Leader Mobile Counseling & Testing FHI/Ghain, etc. He also provides technical oversight and leadership on Men’s Health Network, Nigeria. He has bagged a number of degrees which includes, NCE Biology/Chemistry, PGDE, B Sc. (Ed) Biology and an MPH which is in view. |

Ogar Christopher Bichene (Nigeria)
Christopher Ogar is a seasoned Development Administrator who has managed programs at Community, State and National level. He is a young professional with progressive experiences in implementing and managing Health and Social Development programs. He has worked and still works with youths in the area of HIV. His interests are in the areas of implementing public health programs for young persons with special emphasis on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH), while he improves his knowledge and skills on Reproductive Health issues of young persons. He is the State Program Coordinator (Kogi state)/ Associate Director Sexual Transmission Prevention with HOPE worldwide Nigeria. |

Michael Izuka (Nigeria)
Michael is a senior registrar in the Department Of Community Health, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. He developed an interest in sexuality issues while working as a project coordinator for Global HIV/AIDS initiative in Nigeria (GHAIN) project activities in Federal Medical Centre Birnin Kebbi. He has a passion for empowering adolescents especially adolescent girls with relevant knowledge and essential information to make informed choices, understand their sexuality and orientation. He has a Masters degree in Public Health from University of Lagos Nigeria. |

Nelson, Iboro Ekpo (Nigeria)
Iboro Ekpo Nelson is a professional Social Development Worker, presently working in Management Sciences for Health (MSH), as a Technical Advisor in Programme to build Leadership and accountability in Nigeria’s Health systems (PLAN-Health) in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. She has extensive years of experience in programme development. Her keen interests lies in national and global affairs, policy and programming for sexuality issues, rights and gender in Africa, development management professional with interest and specialty in reproductive health issues. She is also a member of nine (9) professional bodies, have published three (3) books and have researched in a number of areas as well as made paper presentations. Iboro has a B.Sc. in Statistics, Diploma in Computer Studies, PGD Economics, M.Sc. Economics and presently, she is a Ph.D. Candidate in Development Economics. |